Beverley Hills Community UMC

3512 Old Dominion Boulevard
Alexandria, VA 22305
(703) 836-2406


New Here?


Welcome to BEverley hills Community UMC!

If you’re looking for a church to call home, a place to be welcomed as you are, to grow with others, and to serve the world, we have a place for you!


We are a community of believers with a long history of serving in our community and sharing God’s love with our neighbors. We are located in the Beverley Hills neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. We have a weekly worship service with Holy Communion at 10:00am every Sunday.

We invite you to join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall, located next to the sanctuary, for coffee, snacks, and great conversation.

When you arrive at the church, there is street parking all around the neighborhood, as well as a small parking lot for those with special accessibility needs.



Who can receive communion?

The table of Holy Communion is Christ's table, not the table of The United Methodist Church or of the local congregation. The table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ's love and to lead a new life of peace and love, as the invitation to the table says.

We offer both traditional bread as well as a gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, egg-free bread so that ALL are able to share the Lord’s table together.

What should I wear to worship service?

In keeping with our mission statement, we welcome all people as they are. Dress how you feel most comfortable, whether it’s t-shirt and jeans or your “Sunday Best.” You will see a wide spectrum of dress in our congregation.

How do I become a member of BEverley Hills?

You can email Pastor Deborah if you would like to join Beverley Hills Community at

What will my children do?

During Worship Service, Pastor Deborah will have a special time for children to gather and hear a message about the sermon especially tailored to them. Afterward, children will be dismissed to Worship Our Way (WOW) with Ruth to have an interactive lesson and activity. Learn more on our Children’s Ministry here.