Music and Drama


Opportunities abound

The music and drama ministry at Beverley Hills Church is designed to be involved in the transformation of lives. The words and music of anthems, solos, and drama presentations are meant to offer ways for people to encounter the presence of God.

Chancel Choir

Our adult choir leads the singing and provides special music for Sunday Worship Services. Rehearsals are held in Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM and warm-up at 9:30 AM Sunday mornings. The ability to read music is helpful but not required. The Chancel Choir meets from September through mid-June and takes occasional rehearsal breaks during those months. The music director, Steve Honley, leads this choir.

Cherub Choir

4 and 5 year-old children in the youngest Sunday School class will learn songs to be shared in worship for the first 15 minutes of the Sunday School Hour. Directed by Cathy Schmidt.

Glory Choir

This group is for children and youth in 1st through 5th grades. The Glory Choir sings at Sunday worship services at various times throughout the year and participates in the Christmas Eve Worship Service and the Children’s Easter Worship Service. The choir director for the Glory Choir is Linda Hiebert.


Children, youth, and adults often participate in drama presentations during worship services. Short skits, monologues, dialogues, echo scripture readings, 20-45 minute musical-dramas, and performing at other venues are some of the ways to serve.


To join any of these groups or if you’re interested in solos or instrumentals, please contact the church office at 703-836-2406 or send an e-mail to